You are something to celebrate!

I woke up one Sunday and looked in the mirror and thought 'f*ck, I am really beautiful'. That cozy feeling of white sheets, Sunday morning, and loose white socks is what I embody and what I want to bring to each of my boudoir sessions. I want everyone to romanticize themselves again. It’s a beautiful feeling. I take your sessions seriously and provide a safe space for your boudoir experience. 

I'm Chelsea

The art of Bridal Boudoir Photography is such a luxurious, sensual, and an                               curated experience.


I am a Capricorn to the core. I’m a very blunt and honest person.

I love bettering myself and spend my morning walks listening to self help podcasts.

With the way my mind works, I see everything as a photo.

Fun FActs

al of 2024

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